What’s going down in the learning and development space?

Well, with a move away from traditional classroom teaching, digital transformation is taking place, and e-learning is truly taking the spotlight.

From immersive learning that promises to transport you to new worlds, to upskilling, in-app education and collaboration, the way we learn is changing all the time.

Here at Learning Nexus, we’re keeping our finger firmly on the pulse with our catalogue of courses constantly being updated with relevant topics including:

  • The menopause
  • Paternity and adoption leave
  • Home working

If you’d like to find out more, contact us at hello@learningnexus.co.uk or on 01453 756000.

For now, take a read of these key learning and development trends if you want your workforce thrive in the new world of work.

Reskilling and upskilling = the way forward

We’ve entered an age of great change – and that calls for reskilling the workforce in epic proportions. As new roles emerge and others become obsolete, it’s paramount that you offer your workforce the opportunity to elevate their skills. While reskilling involves teaching employees new skills, upskilling means offering them totally new skills. With the rate of change in the workplace increasing, both are just important as the other.

In-app learning is here

As digital transformation takes place, learning via apps is gaining more and more importance. Apps are being used for language learning, children’s education, progress tracking and more. So why has this method of learning become so popular? Well, in-app education offers users with bite-sized learning modules on the go, and means that they can tune in to their learning from literally anywhere – whether travelling, at home or in the office.

Social learning is gaining a foothold

Didn’t you know? Collaboration is in – and social learning is the perfect way to take advantage of collaborating with others. Defined as the active process of learning from our observations and interactions with others, social learning promises to boost employee engagement as staff work together to find solutions to problems, share resources and inspire one another. And, as we shift to more remote work, it’s the perfect antidote to the in-person collaboration of the past.  

Learning, but bite-sized

Bite-sized learning is all about small, self-contained nuggets of meaningful information just perfect for modern day learning and development. With the average attention span now around 8 seconds, these snippets of information help to increase psychological engagement and motivation, as well as working with the ebb and flow of distracted minds.

It’s time to immerse yourself…

New technologies are allowing for more immersive experiences than ever before. Transporting the learner to new worlds, this type of learning offers to take engagement to new depths. A few immersive learning technologies include 360-degree video, virtual reality, augmented reality and mixed reality.

Contact us to find out more about our range of digital learning courses at hello@learningnexus.co.uk or on 01453 75600.